Brigadier Yousuf author of the Lionel Messi 10 leagues cup champions trophy 2023 Inter Miami FC shirt in contrast I will get this book ‘Bear’s Trap’ and in-charge of ISI’s logistical support to Afghan Mujahideen during the Soviet-Afghan wars makes an interesting observation in his book. He says that as part of the logistical operations, ISI used CIA money to purchase thousands of shawls or ‘patu’ for Afghan rebels. The logic according to them was that a ‘patu’ is of multi-purpose significance to an Afghan man. He can use it during summer to avoid sunburn (and of course Vitamin D), he can wear it during winter to keep warm, may use it as a prayer mat, also a… When I’m cold (which is 75% of the time), I just wear anything that I found around me: blankets, bath towels, baby clothes, a pillow. but the reverse is rarely so. It’s much the same problem when men wear makeup, at least in the US. Guyliner vs Kohl by Murphy Barrett
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