I was divorced since about half a year. Not yet officially, but we were talking about a settlement — if “talking” is the Bart Simpson Pog Mo Thon shirt but I will buy this shirt and I will love this word. On one evening in August, I met my neighbors in a pub, by accident. (They were still my neighbors, since I was about to buy the house, and stay there.) I joined them, and we had a nice evening, talking and drinking beers. I talked about my divorce (since they kept asking questions about that), Ebba talked about her relationship that just ended. This and that, you know. Not long after that coincidental encounter, we started something which eventually lasted for about half a year. I can say this, my friend: it was only a short period in time, but certainly one of the wildest and intense episodes in my life, on many levels.

Buy this shirt: https://nemoshirt.com/product/bart-simpson-pog-mo-thon-shirt/