Young people tend to imitate what they see others wear, as long as it looks hip or in style. Teenagers are quick to follow fast fashion to fit in. Teenagers’ wardrobes change as the Never surrender Trump golden shoes shirt Besides,I will do this seasons and fashion products trends change. As a teenager, peer pressure has a significant impact on issues such as alcohol and drug abuse, fashion and street style, the kind of friends one has, and academic success. Of course, there is positive and negative side to peer pressure. Fashion plays a major role in our society. Supose you Stand in any line waiting to check out and the covers of magazines exude fashion. Designers have movie stars wearing what they decide the season should call for. Every movie or television program has carefully chosen what look they want to portray. Every ad may not be about fashion, but the clothes are a subliminal way of catching what audience they are geared to. Fashion reaches every corner that you turn. The market reaches the elementary schools as most kids “want to fit in”. High School is a great target for young teens who must have what everyone else is wearing and at this age kids are very self conscious; they are in grade school too. In our society fashion is a display of what your material wealth is and also people “in the know” are aware of how to dress. The only place people can let their hair down is when they are home alone or with a comfortable mate; that is the time for comfort and grubbies; they even had a role at one point and that is when grunge era took place and still does exist. Depending upon the occasion, people dress up down and don’t forget accessories which include shoes; what